Keep Your Tools Handy with Leather Holster
Keeping heavy-duty tools handy is difficult but important for many workers as they have to keep moving around with Heavy-duty tools like hammer and drill as they are required frequently for their jobs. For such people, WrightFits hammer holder and drill holster pouches are making lives easier. If you want to keep your tools handy then you need to invest in work belt or leather tool belt.
WrightFits Tool Pouches
Hammer Holder
WrightFits hammer holder is designed specifically for carrying hammer and yoh can attach it to any leather belt around your waist. WrightFits hammer holder pouch is made with genuine leather that is extra strong and a steel loop which ensures the safety of hammer when hung in the loop.
WrightFits hammer holder and drill holster pouches are made for heavy-duty workers like carpenters, painters, electricians etc.
Drill Holster Pouch
WrigthFits drill holster pouch is designed to keep your cordless drill with you at work while keeping your handsfree. WrigthFits drill holster is designed with genuine leather to keep it steady and in place. You can also store drill bits, screws etc in an organised way along with your drill.